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Three Simple Ways to WIN More Business

Adrian Miller

W: Want.

Fact. You must want the business enough to take every action that you can in order to close the sale. Going half way these days will never work. Be smart and strategic so that you may stand apart from the competition and win the business. Halfway doesn’t work, persistence is mandated and being the “runner-up” won’t pay your bills. What can you do DIFFERENTLY in order to win the business!

I: Invest.

Invest in yourself and your business. Take classes and courses that can help you to expand your knowledge. Bring in subject matter experts and other resources so that you may attend to what is mission critical for your business as well as give you the time to do what you do best.

N: Nurture.

Leads and prospects must be carefully nurtured in order to bring them to the point where they are interested in becoming your client. Checking in and touching base on an infrequent basis will do nothing but allow your competition to get a foot in the door. Add value to the relationship even BEFORE there is a business relationship and you will find that you close more new business and do it faster as well. (Remember the 3 I’s: information, invitations and introductions. These will help you to stay on the radar screen!)

I’d be remiss if I didn’t offer you our sales coaching program at It’s customized and designed to keep you on track with all of your sales endeavors.

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