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Oh C’mon! I Don’t Need a Blog or Newsletter.

By Adrian Miller

Since I’m also in the sales consulting and training business I am frequently meeting with clients to work on strategies to effectively retain and grow their clients. A conversation about having a newsletter and blog almost always ensues.

Full disclosure - I’m a raving fan of newsletters and blogs and most of my clients agree with me but there are some clients that do pushback. Here’s what they tell me:

  • I don’t have the time to do any writing

  • I’m bad at writing

  • There’s no way that I can do this on a consistent basis

  • I have no idea what to write about

Here are my replies:

I don’t have the time to do any writing

I get it, I really do. We’re all incredibly busy and you may be right, you might not have the time to do your own writing. I hate to be so obvious but no one has to write his or her own content anymore. There are resources galore that can do it for you leaving you with the time to take care of all of the other mission critical aspects of your company. And when I say resources “galore” I really mean it. Companies and individuals that can adopt your voice, provide customized content on an almost endless diversity of topics and with little for you to do but to read and approve. (I’d be silly if I didn’t remind you that that’s exactly what wordsworkcopywriting can do for you!)

I’m bad at writing

See above

There’s no way that I can do this on a consistent basis

See above

I have no idea what to write about

See above

Once again I’m not so much as trying to sell you on working with as to persuade you to seriously consider doing a newsletter and blog to help position yourself as a thought leader and subject matter expert. There’s lots of upside if you take on this initiative so don’t put it off another day.

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